Saturday, December 27, 2008

merry hearts

I was reading about having a merry heart....Poverbs 17:22 (a merry heart does good...) and i realized how true this is..i mean think of time when you had to clean the house or Write a a paper and you turned on some good uplifting tunes to get the job done..the work seemed to fly by....i know this is true in my life..I used to work for a restaruant here in magnolia and late at night when we had to mop the floors we would lock the doors and Turn up the music..the work seemed not so bad..the other night...landon was sleeping and i had a lot of house work to finish before the next day so i turned on Matt Kearney on my Ipod and it seemed that in no time i was humming and doing my jobs with out grumbling...the joy of the lord is our stregnth..i love this because when we are singing we feel joy and so that means that we can face all things and be have energy and vitality because his joy is our strength....WE have a choice....we can complain through all we have to do or we can sing our way through. I have made my choice..make yours. Either way..we have to face mountains so you choose how you face them...but God has given us his stregth through his joy...FIND JOY>...when landon and i have been at odds and he is not listening to me...then all i have to do is turn up the MUSIC and we can come to the same terms....
I remember doing this with my mom as a young girl....SANDY PATTI>......the joy that i felt then was dance and glorify his name...all the while gaining joy

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