Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The Sounds She Must Hear

Over the last few days I found myself analyzing and re-analyzing my life and the life of my Dear Friend Jill. Last night was the visitation for her and you would have been amazed. Bobby and I headed over to El Dorado in a very quiet car (no words seem to even do the situation justice). We arrived about 30 minutes or so after it stated and found a very long line. It made me smile because i realized that Jill's impact was not just on my life but those all round me as well as people I have never met. We waited in line for about hour and half to go into the chapel where she lay. The line was full of humorous stories and tearful hugs, quite moments and glances that spoke a thousand words with out saying a thing. As I gazed on the 400+ people I noticed one thing...there were people from every race, every class, every age, every denomination, there people from different countries. And it reminded me of something that Jill had said to me once. I know that my words wont quite do it justice but I pray that through my ramblings you will see what I noticed from Jill....about a year ago or so Jill and I were talking about a mission trip and we were thinking about worshiping with others from another country. We talked about how our goal should be to make sure that all know and understand the love and glory of our Father. We talked about how we were commissioned to be the feet for God and go when he calls us. Jill made a comment about the fact that when we get to heaven it will be like a worship service where all speak different languages but all understand one another. She talked about the gathering of the saints and how those saints wont necessarily be from the same tongue, tribe, or nation. So as i looked at the crowd last night i noticed that we were all from different tribes, tongues, and even nations..she had fullfilled her goal...I smiled because I thought of Jill worshiping with saints today in Heaven...and what that must look like...I thought of all the sounds she is hearing from the constant swooshing of the angel's wings beating, to the hymns of praises that are being sung in every language and how that must sound. I thought of the light that must envelop know the light we all saw deep in her is now radiating from her so in this light she doesn't squint but looks brightly at our Father....she is not only hearing the music of Heaven but she is part of the Music in Heaven. I picture her surrounded by His presence and how every sense she has is exaggerated by the glory she has now come to know. And I began to realize that Jill has won the prize...she is home and is where she has longed to be forever. She has gained and we have lost...but we can find joy in her victory for she defeated Satan and made it home to our Father. Every tear I have shed as been because of our loss....the smile I feel is for her victory...Well Done Jill...I pray that I can run this race the way you did...that i can find the courage you did, and that I love God with the same passion and dedication that you did....enjoy dear Jill and we she see you again.....Let the Heavenly music ring through you and glorify Our God with all that you have wanted too...

1 comment:

Kristie Young said...

Mary the words that you have spoken are so heart felt. I didn't know Jill as well as you did. When I went with her to the Phillipines back in 03 she really touched my life. I knew she was someone that served the Lord for all of the right reasons. I admire her. I pray that I can be more like her as a women and a pastors wife. I have thought about her as well since Saturday and Jeremy and I have talked a lot about our own lives. I think that in her passing that a lot of people have looked at their own lives and personally I have tried to make sence of things but I realize that by God taking her home to be in his awesome presence that it has stirred so many hearts. Even in her death she is still witnessing. Thank you for your post. I pray for you in the lost of your close friend. I wish I would have been closer to Jill I also wish I would have told her how much she had impacted my life.

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