Sunday, November 2, 2008

Goodbye My Dear Friend

Today i lost a dear friend. She was in a car wreck in pine bluff yesturday afternoon and was air lifted to UAMS last night..on my way to pine bluff i was told they were transporting her so i came back home to wait for the news. Jill Atteberry was 34 years old and an amazing person. Her husband Scott is the pastor a Wyatt Baptist Church in ElDorado AR. Bobby and Scott have been friends for Years so obviously Jill and I became instant friends about 5 years ago. We went through a lot together...we both were minister's wives and had lots to talk about in that area but we also shared another bond with one another. Although Jill understood it much more than i did...Jill and I both became pregnent at the same time with what would have been my first child about 2 years ago...but needless to say we both lost our babies within days of each other...this bond tied us together for see jill had such faith during this time that gave me the courage to go on because...her faith was unchanged and she knew the plan was to glorify the father. Well the next time i got pregnant i carried but that didn't stop her from loving my son and she knew that God had a plan....last winter it happened jill got pregnant and August her baby boy bryce was born...she finally was a mom...we finally had our boys together....she was a natural mom. I have never seen her so happy. About a month ago she and scott and Baby Bryce came over and i gave her all Landon's clothes we laughed about how we were both moms of boys and we had so many plans for play dates and checking out their girlfriends. About two weeks ago we saw them in ElChicos in mom and my whole family got he chance to meet the enchanting family. they got to see the infectious smile and laughter of my good friend Jill....needless to say that was the last time would see my Jill alive...i wished i would have known that ...i would have hugged her a little longer and told her one more time how much she meant to me...but i didn't....boy the wishes i have wished over the last few hours...well here is the story of the wreck....about 2 saturday we got a call that the family had been in a wreck..scott and bryce were ok the were both buckled in the car...Jill had been taking care of bryce so she was not buckled up... on impact she was thrown from the car...she recieved massive head trauma and was unresponsive at the scene....she recieved CPR and was taken Pine Bluff hospital they were able to get her in stable but criticle condition and air lifted her to UAMS in little rock...there they were able to fix a bleeding liver and bruised kidneys. All the while Jill stayed in a Coma. At 2 am they started testing her brain and its 7 am this morning Jill was pronounced dead...they kept her on the Vent untill about 9:30 so she could give the gift of life to others...all organs were donated....this is just like Jill...always giving. The earth lost a great warrior Today and the next few days, weeks, months, and years will be lonely without her...and baby bryce...only two precious months with this amazing mother...not at all long i write because Jill has impacted my life so much i wanted to share her story with you....Pray for Scott and Bryce as the learn to live without her and pray for their church as they grieve this great loss....the only hope i have is that our Father is in total control and nothing happens outside of his take heart and know that my sweet Jill is in heaven with her unborn rocking and holding them and calling them by name......and God is looking at Jill and saying "Well done my Good and Faithful Sevant."
love to all...


Jenny said...

I linked over from the Baird's blog.... we knew and loved the Attebery's also. I'm so sadden by Scott and Bryce's loss. Very sweet tribute to Jill. I like the thought of her in Heaven with her babies.

Hester 5 said...

I knew Scott and Jill when I went to CBC years ago. THey were older than me but I also traveled with them for SOAR. Your post has touched my heart and told the story like no other. I have heard so many different things surrounding what actually happened with wreck. Thank you for this tribute. I am deeply touched.

Anonymous said...

Mrs. Attebery was one of my nursing instructors at Southern Arkansas University. I loved her teaching style but she was a hard instructor...but only to benefit us! I learned of her passing this afternoon, I am so sad. Thank you for your post and your story which in turn has impacted MY faith.

Brandy M.

Philip said...

Even though I did not know her personally, my heart goes out to the family. My friend Ashley told me about this story. I hated to hear about this. May God bless and comfort her family.

Anonymous said...

I just heard about Jill, and I am on line now just trying to make sense of this. I knew Jill when I was faculty at UCA. SHe was always positive and praised God at every opportunity. How blessed I was to know her. God be with her husband and son.

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