Saturday, August 23, 2008


Well it all started because my husband is now on daddy duty on Monday Nights while I teach bible study. We meet at our house so bobby and landon have to go eat and kill some time until we are finished with our meeting. I never hesitate to send them out on these little adventures...i mean they need daddy-son time as much as i need some time with the girls. It has been going too wonderful i guess because this particular monday bobby decided to take landon to wal-mart after they ate at the local resturaunt. I reminded bobby that landon really didn't need a toy with a lot of pieces and to make sure he checked the age requirements before he bought something (another story another time). With a kiss and hug they were off on their weekly adventure. After bible study i hear the door open and little footsteps come running...there was my sweet boy dancing and yelling very loudyl BALL, BALL....if you have ever met my child this is his favorite word....well then in comes my husband and the TOY (you know the one that everyone dreads getting) A BAG FULL OF 100 BALLS ( the kind that belong in a ball pit somewhere other than my house). Needless to say i have spent the last week constantly picking up these brightly colored balls all over my house. It seems useless because as soon as i get them put little TOY TORNADO flys through the air and BOOM they are all out AGAIN...THANK YOU BOBBY FOR SUCH A THOUGHTFUL GIFT!!!!! I took this picture this morning when i came downstairs...and i found landon preparing to to launch his attact.

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