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pucker up baby
Well Landon has officailly discovered other women!!! up until this point in his life I have been the object of his affection. Well i have been replaced...i guess you could say that i have been dreading this day since he was born just 14 short months ago...and i thought it would be a lot later in his life...but i was has finally happened. It went down like this...we went to dinner at a friends house last week. We ha a lot of fun and Landon was as usally clinging to my legs and holding tight to my side. During dinner i noticed that something had grabbed his attention at the other end of the table. i looked and too my surprise there she older women...she smiled and flirted and then i knew we were introuble. After dinner i noticed him trying to play with her know the flirty play....take her toy then run to see if she chased..they went back an forth...then it happend...when we were just about to leave Landon decided it was time to make his move... He planted a big wet one on her heart crumpled....i just hope that he waits a while before he decieds to ask her father to date her....bless all
What a charmer! He knows he's cute so he had no doubts - he just went for it! Don't be jealous, Mom!
that is precious!!!!
he is just too cute!
nicole becnel rappold
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